Monday, June 4, 2007

So You Wanna Talk Bias?

Okay so June 1st was Beach Day for all high schools in the Kingston Region. This day has been national skip day for decades. My own step dad even told me he went when he was in his senior year of high school! and that was a long time ago! On my way to Toronto this weekend i was listing to the radio in the car and they were talking about how the seized 20 bottles of booze. umm there was about 800 people there! so in my opion 20 bottles is a really good thing. like 20 out of what, 800? they made it sound so bad. this was one of the best beach days with no booze . i think they should have done and said something better, all they did is make us look bad.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Okay so i was looking to buy a magazine and then i relized something, Every single magazine on the shelf had at least one sub title about "how to get a thin body" or "lose that tummy weight in just 2 weeks!" like hellooo? arnet we tring to stop anerioxa? i dont know about you but i really dont care if people are "fat" or "skinny" and all that does is make people feel like shit about there bodies. i kind of want to prostest....hahah no im kidding about that part, i just have writers block and i dont knwo what the hell to write. but yeah, like wtf? maybe they should just leave women be, people already have enough stress in our lifes. the last thing we need to care about is our OWN body weight! like erggg it just bothers me sooo much. is it that people just dont know what to write about, so they just want to put others down? i dont know but someone shoul put a stop to it!! IM SICK OF THIS!! BLAHHH

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Okay so Saterday April 21st was the WORST day of my lifeee! well around 9 O'Clock am me and my friend O'neil decided to go get a coffee from the store in amherstview. O;neil was just excited cause he didnt have to drive for once, because i had my MOMS car. well on the way back to the house, we were driving behind a Van, and well he didnt put his blinker on and i went to pass him because he was stoping and he smashed right into the side of my car. lets just say its about 2000 dollars to repair. i didnt have my cell with me (like the ONLY time i didnt) and so i couldnt call the cops and the man wouldnt he just kind of stood there like a dumbass, i was soo flusted i didnt know what to do, so i just wrote down his insurace and left. so yeah my parents are being pretty good about it, their jaws droped a little when i pulled up with the doors like hanging off tho...yeah im suchhh an idot (and a bad driver) so umm maybe you should liten to thos ppl who are like oh shit yo emilys coming stay off the SIDE WALKS!!!! any ways im outtie just needed to rant! xoxxo

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Laura Secord

You may know Laura Secord by her ice cream and chocolates, but she was actually known for a lot more. Laura Secord actually made the world a better place.

Laura was born on Sept. 13 1775. SHe married a man named James Secord and moved from the United States to Ontario (Queensland). During the War of 1812 she overheard Americans talking about how they were going to surprise attack the British so she walked all day and night to warn them. Because of her bravery she helped the soldiers and she helped save our country. She is one of the greatest Canadians to ever live. Because of her we are proud to be Canadian today.

Women like Laura Secord make me proud to spell my name W-O-M-A-N.

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Great Book

James Frey:
A Million Little Pieces
My Friend Leonard

This is a must read book. I read it last year, and it is definitely the kind of book that makes you change the way you think about things. A million little pieces was an Oprah book and after James Frey was on it, people found out that some of the things he wrote about didn't really happen (check out this link for a list of things that aren't true.)

A lot of people think that this book shouldnt be read just becuase some of it didnt happen. This is what I think:
First of all who the hell cares? it was an AWSOME book! Some people really need to get a life, like come on people, to all complain about something liek this? nothing is true in movies and books now a days, they have to have somewhat of a happy ending, and they need to make it more exciting, thats why i never cared when i found out some parts where fake. I would still read it over and over again, even if it was all make believe. Secondly I think that people shouldnt believe everythign that they read, see, or hear. Helloooo, how do you think roumors get started? if people believed everything, then there would be some pretty crazy stuff going on in our world today,( not that there allready isnt!). Lastly I think that maybe people should have maybe thought humm he was a crack head and look how far he has come! he was on the verge of dieing, because he was using and drinking so much, but instead he wanted to be a better person. It seems like people are being soo selfish that they dobnt even relise how hard that must have been for him, so maybe they should have been happy for him, i know i was.
I dunno, that is just my opion on my fav book and such, feel free to comment on it with yours!

Friday, April 13, 2007

About Moi

Hey guys!

So I'm Emily, most of yous guys know meee, i live in Odegga (unfortunately). yeah it sucks but i have to live with it.
I live on a farm, and yes, i have Llammas. and a cow, a horse, and chickens. hehe i love them. so most of my friends live in amherstview so im mostly there ne wayss. i have 2 jobs, and i hate them, but it pays the bills yo. my drinkin bills that is. muhahaha. in my free time i like to hang out with friends, spend money, party, and watch my shows.

Humm im kinda boring...

I have one sister, Gracy, who i love very much. (now that shes moved out that is.) i dont see her very much anymore, but when we do we get into a bitt of trouble.

Next year i am planing to go to St.Lawrence to do an Estheticain program. then head off to Niagra for a spa managment course. whooot!

The NoteBook! To Linzey:

Dear Linzer!
So yesterday I skipped 1st periord and went to the mall with Steph, and I saw The Notebook. I just hadd to get it! So when I went home that night I went straight into my room and put it on. I realized then, that The Notebook is my favorite love story! Aww its soo cute.
So its about this guy (played by Ryan Gosling) and a young women (played by Rachel Macadams) who fall in love over one summer in the 50's. Allie (Rachel) is 17 and her parents are VERY rich and don’t approve of her new boyfriend Noah (Ryan) because he only makes 40 cents and hour, working at the local lumber yard. After a fight with Allie and her parents over her dating Noah, Noah and Allie end up breaking up. Allie ends up leaving the town to go home a week early so her and Noah never get to say goodbye to each other. Noah wrights Allie every day for a year, so 365 letters, but Allies mother never gave her the letters so Allie thought that Noah didn’t care about her. After 3 years in college Allie decides to help in the war as a nurse. Working there she met a man who is very rich and ends up dating him, one thing led to another and they got engaged. But all she could think about was Noah. As for Noah, After 7 years Allie was all he could think about. He starting working on a house that was run down, that him and Allie would go to when they were dating to see each other. Noah ends up going to Atlanta for something and he sees Allie, he didn’t talk to her because he seen her with her husband to be, she had know idea that he was there. Noah finally finished the house and he because famous in his town because of the amazing job he did re doing the house. The news paper takes his picture and Allie sees it when she was dress shopping. Seeing his picture she remembered how much she loved him. She told her husband she had to go away for a few days because she had to think some things through. Allie showed up at Noah’s new house, to see him. And they fell back in love and lived happily ever after!:)
I think this is a great movie because it just shows that no matter how poor the person you love is, you just cant help it, and money wont make you happy, but love will. Soooo goo see it!!!
Bye Linzey!

Bye Bye Teeth

So Monday March 26th 2007, at 11:45 am was the worst day of my lifeee!!! i got my wisdom teeth taking out , well i guess i cant say i remember much, cause i was VERYYY highhh! that part was alright i guess, ummm but yeah wakeing up during the surgery was not very fun at all. Yes, i woke up with 4 doctors hands in my mouth with a hammer wacking at my jaw. It was horrible, butttt, they gave me more drugs and i fell fastt asleep! on the way home my mom took me to DQ for some ice cream, but it hurt to much to eat anything, i was VERY upsett! butt im over it. For the past few days my teeth have been very sore, and my face swelled like a chipmunck. haha. I cant wait untill im in no more pain! ahh!